Category Archives: Book of Zachariah

Where Heaven Meets Earth

Today is Good Friday.  Today is the day that we remember the work of God and His Son – Jesus Christ.

In the mix of all the Easter eggs and and bunny rabbit, it has almost become uncommon for anyone to speak on why we have the season.  Why this is the most important day in the Christian calendar.  So, I would like to write this Bible Study today as a prayer to our King.

“For at just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords.” (1 Timothy 6:15 NIV)

Prayer time.

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the history of your creation of man, we have been troublesome.  The things we have done.  You have sent a flood to destroy the wickedness and the weakness of of man’s sinful betrayal, but you saved the best of man’s obedience in Noah and his family.  Then, through the continued legacy of the man; it didn’t take long for us to fall back into similar patterns.  We were far from perfect.  You sent us your commandments, but we could not follow them.  Many men and women followed you, but the sinful nature within them continued to drive them in directions which led them away from the God they loved.  So we offered sacrifice after sacrifice after sacrifice to you so that sin could be satisfied.  In the Book of Romans, Paul reminds us that the wages of sin is death, so death needed to be satisfied in order for the debt of sin to be paid.

Romans 6 23

This would cleans us for only a short time.  We are sinful by nature, so we would be in debt not long after leaving the temple.  We needed something lasting.

Father, you could have given up on us.  From a human perspective, that is what we would expect anyone to do.  But, your love surpasses our understanding.  It is a love which is deeper and stronger than anything we are capable of.  You sent us an amazing gift in your only begotten son.  In your precious sin, Jesus Christ; you gave a gift which we could never repay.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)

Even the secular world knows this scripture.  And they mock it, even as they mocked at the foot of the cross where your son gave His life and suffered an unimaginable agony; for your people.  Lord, we know that you love even those who mock you.  Lord, we now kneel at the foot of that same cross and surrender everything we are to you.  For your love is so great for us, a people so far from deserving; that you poured out your wrath upon your own family.  And Jesus Christ, your glorious son; gave a gift which we could never say thank you enough for!  He came into this earth as one of us.  And although He was tempted, He did not give in.  He taught us your ways and allowed us to understand your world.  He established your Church here on earth which we are now the proud descendants of.  Finally, suffering a death which was reserved for the worst of society; He faced the sting of death.  And after three days, through the power of your hand upon Him God, He rose from the dead.  He became the first living sacrifice for us and removed sin from us FOREVER!

Col 1 18

Lord our God!  Our Heavenly Father!  Jesus Christ!  King of Kings!  Lord of Lord!  We gladly live for you in this life.  Teach us every day to be more like you, and to love others and each other as much as you love us.  The indescribable gift you have given us can never be re-payed by human abilities, but you not asked for payment.  There is nothing left for us to fear.  There is nothing left for us to do, but pick up our crosses and follow you home.  I pray in these times and always, you will give us strength to run this race.  I pray that you will be everything we need to stay the course and to live our this life in a manner which is pleasing to you.  We know we will see your face in time, and it is by your love that this is true.  In Zachariah 4:6 you said that it is not by might, nor by power; but your spirit that these things are possible!  We give thanks Father.  We give you all the glory!  Thank you Jesus Christ!  We thank you with all we are, now and always.  We love you!
